My Books
singleness in the church
God is the author of marriage, as we read in the word of God. He desires His children to be happily married in His purposes for their lives.
However, the issue of singleness in the church has become one of concern.
The devil takes advantage of this concern to shift the focus of believers away from God, through anxiety and fear over finding a suitable life partner.
My prayers is that this book will realign our focus back to God as we find the missing piece.
praying for christian men
The Bible states that the Church is a Holy Nation, (1 Peter2:9), but also, that ” sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). The Church is been reproached, as a result of the sins of some individuals, which is affecting the whole body of Christ.
Given that God does not answer the prayers of sinners, it is taking its toll on us all.
We need to pray for “Christian Men” especially those, who practice sexual immorality, so that power, strength and effectiveness may be restored back to the Church; moreover, because the judgement of God is imminent for those who practice this sin.
Our prayers might lead to their repentance and perhaps they might be spared the judgement of God.
the biggest faith thief
Many Christian believers, struggle with trusting God or having complete faith in God. This is the resultant effect of the erroneous teaching of the story of Job. God is a good God, it is therefore, essential to see God for who He is and see Him through an undistorted lens. God’s character and nature never changes and did not change in his dealings with Job. What happened in the life of Job needs to be correctly interpreted and taught.
“Far be it from You to do such a thing as this, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous should be as the wicked; far be it from You! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?”(Genesis 18:25).
God will not test the righteous with evil. My prayer, is that through the revelation of the truth about “The Book of Job”, believers will be strengthen in their faith and expect only victory through the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
privileged by the cross devotional
The accomplishment of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on the Cross for us, is priceless.
Hence, the need to speak of His great love for us, as we become more aware through the word of God ; of how privileged He has made us.
My prayer for you, is that your life will never be the same again as you rejoice in the goodness of God through our Saviour Jesus Christ.
black on black crime
Black on Black Crime is a painful and shameful stigma, attached to us as people of Black Africa and its descendants. Although this terminology is used by authorities in some countries to describe the way some Black people terminate each other ’s existence (guns and knives), there is also the other side of this crime that is not visible in the natural.
This deadlier version destroys through witchcraft, voodoo, ethnic and tribal wars, demonic attacks (sickness, diseases, accidents etc.), bitterness, envy, jealousy, to name a few of the modes employed.
To the onlooker, it begs the question as to why we do this to each other; the answer is in the spiritual dimension of the issue. There is, therefore, the need to investigate this plight through the power of the Holy Spirit and break the power of this curse.
before 18
Before 18 is a prayer book specially written for parents who have teenage sons and daughters